Spinal Technology
Direct Mail Packaging for Medical Device Company
Increasing Sales Via Targeted Mailer
Our Skill. Your Luck.
SPINAL TECHNOLOGY is a leader in providing orthotists with highly effective, custom fabricated spinal orthoses across the United States and Europe for patients requiring stabilization, immobilization, and correction of the spine.
We designed and produced this unique campaign as a way for Spinal Technology to increase sales from customers within specific market areas. Our theme matches their skill set and quality with that of a blacksmith, who historically would make back braces in the 1800s. Given that the horseshoe is a sign of luck, the recipients received a special offer. Each genuine horseshoe – engraved with the company's web address – was mailed in a metal tin and sealed with a mailing label entitled "Our skill. Your luck." The shiny, heavy-weight aspect of the piece also helped increase the open rate.